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Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Richard Krum


Over 40 years experience in system engineering, design, integration, evaluation, test, and implementation of hardware and software in office automation toolsets, embedded computers, business information, war gaming, satellite and terrestrial communications systems, software development, high-speed data processing, automated manufacturing, and real-time hardware in-the-loop simulation/test equipment, and medical system software.

  • Provided formal and informal training at multiple levels in the use of computer systems, software development tools and techniques, and security considerations.
  • Managed budgets and performed financial analysis for system expansion, support and operations.
  • Performed test planning, wrote detailed test procedures, and performed detailed system test and evaluation at the system and unit level.
  • Performed Formal Qualification Test (FQT); Final test, and IV&V functions on a wide variety of systems.
  • Experienced in complete system and software development to Boeing, MIL-STD-2167A, NASA SDP, AIM, Consultec and HIPAA standards.
  • Designed and implemented reporting and management systems utilizing ORACLE 8i, DB2 and other relational DBMS client-server systems.
  • Produced all levels of documentation and design for 2167A and other standards.
  • Used automated design tools, CASE tools, CAD systems, Object-Oriented Design (OOD) and formal analysis techniques for these design efforts.
  • Designed, installed, and maintained radio, telecommunication, LAN, WAN, and closed circuit television systems.
  • Used my deep experience to provide training and mentoring, to develop documentation, and to provide multi-disciplinary team leadership in aerospace, military, medical, electrical, communications, commercial electronic system development, production, MIS, manufacturing, and deployment environments.
  • Managed, mentored, led and directed small to large groups of associates while providing progressively responsible leadership at all levels.
  • Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP)

Owner, Richard Krum & Associates – Huntsville AL, and Corona, CA – 2013 to Present

Designed, procured, installed, integrated and currently remotely support a Windows 2008 R2 based server system, high-speed network, complete infrastructure and workstations for a state-of-the-art Veterinary clinic in Huntsville, Alabama. System includes multiple workstations, all structured network wiring and switching infrastructure, multiple veterinary diagnostic systems including integrated lab system and digital x-ray system. Also designed, installed and implemented a modern business telephone system for support of the practice. Assisted in clinic design and layout and constructed essential components of the business facilities.

 Software Development System Lead Engineer, Boeing – Anaheim, CA and Huntington Beach, CA – 2004 to 2013

Supported software test and integration of the FAB-T project. FAB-T is a satellite communications terminal development project for the MILSTAR communications system. Performs and facilitates software/hardware integration activities, designs test plans, and provides hardware information to software developers. Responsible for direct support of software integration activities, including design of test fixturing and interconnection cables, solving inter-disciplinary integration challenges, and writing documentation. Lead system administrator for a multiple server multiple client classified Automated Information System (AIS) used for FAB-T development and testing. Performs and directs others in security audits, system configuration and design, maintenance and documentation to DSS NISPOM and other US Government standards. I designed, developed and installed multiple servers, set up server clusters, installed and configured NetApp NAS and associated tape backup systems, networking (CISCO) and PC hardware as the FAB-T system LAN and WAN systems grew from only a few computers to a total of thousands of interconnected systems in multiple interconnected locations. These systems use both Windows server OS (2003, 2008R2) and variants of the Unix operating systems. Planned and managed move from Microsoft Exchange 2007 to 2013 during the period. Utilized Microsoft System Center 2012R2 to support configuration control of system and network plus other Boeing proprietary tools. Provides and directs 24/7/365 technical support, troubleshooting, and both internal Boeing and external customer support to assure continuing security compliance and support 24/7/365 operational needs of the program in a timely manner.

 Lead Software Engineer, Computer Science Corporation (CSC)  Huntsville, AL – 1994 to 2004

Led a team supporting the New York Medicaid modernization project developing software programs for use under CICS and batch COBOL on an IBM Mainframe. He developed requirements, designed, developed, coded, implemented, and tested report programs in COBOL and provider validation transaction processing under CICS using DB2 queries in this Medicaid (OmniCaid) MMIS system. Designed, mapped and tested 276/277 claim status X12 EDI transactions and bridge programs for future EmedNY HIPAA compliance. Utilized COBOL, DB2, TRACEMASTER, JCL/procedures, PARMS and Macro 4 and Computer Automation (CA) tools. Developed report programs for use in MOBIUS, a third-party report archiving product. Performed full lifecycle development on this project, using Consultec coding standards and writing detailed Technical Design Document (TDD) documentation to eMedNY standards. Familiar with Medicare, Medicaid, and HIPAA standard-compliant systemsMacro-4 Products, and Endevor configuration management system. Provided program design inputs, business rules analysis and implementation, and performed unit and system integration testing. Provided PC system support, ad-hoc training and technical assistance to other members of the team in Huntsville, Alabama and Albany, New York.

Member of a team supporting the BAE SYSTEMS outsourcing transition to CSC GIS service delivery. Traveled to multiple BAE SYSTEMS sites, provided leadership, technical support, and personnel guidance and mentoring for the BAE SYSTEMS personnel transitioning to CSC. Developed close relationships, fostered mutual respect, maintained uninterrupted service support, and helped facilitate a successful outsourcing transition.

Investigated, researched, documented and designed a document management solution for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The system was designed in response to the needs for document tracking and retrieval identified by the field engineers at the Chemical Demilitarization project sites. This effort involved site visits, information gathering, project planning, resource budgets, and high-level and detailed design of an Oracle8i-based document management system. This system included interfaces to old DOS-based databases, Microsoft Office products, and other proprietary COE software packages.

Led a team supporting the Stock Control and Distribution (SC&D) system under Task Order 039. SC&D is a large, mainframe-based inventory, financial, and control system used to manage stock and supplies for the Air Force and other military services. Developed Y2K fixes, engineered and implemented software improvements and corrections, and designed new program modules for this system in an SEI CMM environment. He used CA-DATACOM/DB, TSO, CICS and batch COBOL, CA-IDEAL, and JCL on this effort. Relied on ability to rapidly learn and apply new programming languages and techniques in the pursuit of this effort.

Led the design and implementation effort for the Computer-aided Ordering portion of the Defense Commissary Information System (DCIS) software. This component utilized mathematical algorithms for the accumulation of historical data, analysis of trends, and prediction of item movement in this major grocery and produce sales system. Utilized multiple client-server ORACLE databases, and structured design techniques. Led the team that successfully researched, designed, implemented, and tested the entire predictive ordering package. This portion of the system exceeded customer expectations for speed, accuracy, and ability to reliably predict sales.

Supported the Deficiency Reporting System (DRS) development effort. Led a team performing software testing, designed, performed and supervised formal software testing, produced software problem reports, and produced other test documentation for the DRS effort. Performed general system analysis and design support for this large-scale business system. Duties included formulating specifications and procedures for coding, testing, and debugging DRS-related applications and database software in a major Wide Area Network (WAN) client-server environment utilizing state-of-the-art storage and retrieval methods including 4GL languages and large, distributed DBMS (ORACLE) environments. Led and participated in Rapid Application Development (RAD) sessions directly with the customer and users of the system leading to the completion of formal system requirements and interface design. Developed the Graphical User Interface (GUI) design for DRS and the analysis and development of DRS application software using Texas Instruments’ IEF (Composer) CASE tool and formal Object-Oriented Design (OOD) analysis techniques. Provided training, technical advice, supervision, leadership, and technology updates to the DRS test team and support staff.

Supported the NASA Automated Financial Information System (NAFIS) development effort. This large-scale business system involved a large client-server DBMS (ADABAS/Natural) application running at multiple NASA sites over a WAN. Provided requirements analysis, software test suite design, performed software testing, and produced other test documentation for the NAFIS effort. Delivered direct support to the NASA customer, fine-tuned the test suite designs, assembled large numbers of test data documents, and completed integration of the test suites into a complete test package.

 System Engineering Lead, Boeing Computer Support Services – Huntsville, AL – 1990 to 1994

Supported NAFIS development efforts. Provided software test suite design, performed formal software testing, and produced other documentation for the NAFIS effort. Duties included training, software system analysis, and customer interface. Provided system engineering and support on a variety of computer-based systems, including design, troubleshooting, system administration and technical support for the UNIX operating system and client-server applications on SUN workstations. Performed formal OOD design and analysis utilizing a variety of CASE tools including the Software Through Pictures (STP) suite, and produced software applications in C, C++, and other UNIX-based operating system languages. Led and provided system engineering and support including software and hardware development, design, troubleshooting, formal documentation, network administration, and technical support for major telecommunications systems, designed LAN and WAN capabilities and implementations. Provided technical advice, training, and supervision on a variety of projects and technologies.

 Senior System Engineer, Computer Science Corporaton (CSC) –  San Diego/Ridgecrest, CA – 1982 to 1990

Provided system and software engineering support. Served as senior member of a multi-disciplinary system engineering team providing support directly to the CCAPS Program Manager. Duties included basic research and hardware, system, and software design and analysis using Ada, C, and other languages. Applied a variety of CASE tools, formal design documentation, and analysis methods including Data Flow Diagrams, Object Oriented Design (Yourdon-DeMarco), and database tools, including DBASE and SQL in pursuit of requirement analysis, specification, detailed design and implementation activities associated with this very large project. Analyzed, documented, reverse-engineered, and re-engineered over a million source lines of Ada and C code for Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) purposes. In addition, performed system design, development, and programming for the Secure Conferencing Project (SCP). SCP is a transponder-based satellite communications system for the US Navy. Designed and produced security test plans and procedures for security, interoperability, and operational testing for SCP. Software designs were documented using Ada for the Program Design Language (PDL). Designed, implemented, and tested a complete software and hardware test suite that simulated all functions of SCP production equipment. Provided extensive direct engineering support and performed testing leading to product acceptance and current use. Designed and implemented a complete hardware and software design for a real-time satellite communications simulator.

 Lead Test Engineer, Data Electronics, Inc. – San Diego, CA – 1981 to 1982

Performed system design, development, and programming functions in support of high volume manufacturing and product test organization. Provided product design for testability and production process design. Designed the factory floor layout, set-up, and installed printed circuit production and final assembly electronic manufacturing equipment. Provided programming, fixturing, training and support for production operations on a variety of computerized Automatic Test Equipment (ATE), automated component insertion systems, and specialized electrical and mechanical test systems.

 Test Engineer, Doric Scientific (Emerson Electric, Inc) –  San Diego, CA – 1978 to 1981

Designed, developed, and implemented ATE systems, fixtures, and software in support of high-volume electronic equipment manufacturing. Designed and built specialized test fixtures, computer-controlled assembly burn-in systems, wrote test procedures, and designed several software test programs.

 Field Engineer, Vydec, Inc. (Exxon Office Systems) –  San Diego, CA – 1976 to 1978

Established a new field service office for a line of high-technology word processing systems. Provided technical support, operational training, customer interface, and local management functions.

 United States Navy (Various Duty Stations)  1967 to 1976

Military duties included maintenance, on the job training, and system failure diagnosis support and management for the TACDEW “war-gaming” and simulation system. Managed and directed repair operations. Designed, built, installed, and tested a completely digital radar azimuth and trigger simulator and a flexible command and control closed-circuit television system.



M.S., Information Systems Management, Florida Institute of Technology, December 1999

B.S., Computer Science, Chapman College, June 1983

A.S., Electronics Technology, Palm Beach Community College, June 1967


Additional formal coursework in Network Management Systems, programming languages, automated test tools and CASE tools from a variety of vendors and institutions.



Lead, manage, allocate, plan and direct the efforts of small to large multidisciplinary teams.

 Security related:

HIPAA compliance, system security and operational security planning and execution to DoD and other standards, backup systems, and disaster planning.

 Licensed Amateur Radio Operator 

Interests include APRS, HF and VHF communications.
Former Boeing Emergency Communications Team member, served as Huntington Beach Site Radio Officer

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