The Mischief ELFOwner of Aparcado Fóra
Technical Generalist & Engineer
Tree Hugger & Mischief Elf
SKP 184352

Maybe You?
Be a Travel Companion?Looking to travel the US and Canada?
Have a Valid Passport?
Are you Financially Independent
or can work from the Road?

The Administration FairyWell, somebody has to stay home and take care of things. My husband Tark helps too.
Clubs, RV Websites & App’s where you can find us.
- RV-Friends.org – A growing and well featured replacement for the defunct RVillage & RVGroup.fun forums
- Escapees RV Club & Xscapers ( SKP# 184352 )
- Escapees Forum: RVNetwork
- Boondockers Welcome
- Contact Us Directly
Discount Codes
These codes offer you a discount, and us as well if you use them.
- Harvest Hosts ( or add on Boondockers “Private Properties” as well ) 15% off : https://gr3f.co/c/53808/S1PqQ Look for the discount code shown at the top of that page before proceeding !
Note: You can also just join Boondockers at : https://www.boondockerswelcome.com but there is no discount offer this way